Ryal Side Civic Association Bylaws



The organization shall be known as the Ryal Side Civic Association (Association).


The Association shall be a non-profit organization.


The geographical boundaries of Ryal Side are as follows (See appendix one):

  • From Salter's Point across the Bass River to the intersection of River Street/Webber Avenue, not to include Webber Avenue or side streets off of Webber Avenue
  • Following the Westerly side of River Street, North, to Federal Street.
  • Slightly East along Federal Street meeting the MBTA train tracks.
  • Following the Westerly side of the MBTA train tracks, North, to Balch Street
  • Following the Southerly side of Balch Street, East, to McKay Street
  • Following McKay Street South to Goodyear Street
  • Following Goodyear Street Southwest to the dead end of Goodyear Street
  • Following a line Due West to the Beverly/Danvers boundary line, to include all side streets off of Elliot St
  • Following the Beverly/Danvers boundary line South to the Danvers River
  • Following the banks of the Danvers River East to Salter's Point along the Bass River



The Ryal Side Civic Association is established for the purpose of promoting fraternity and goodwill among the members. Additionally, the Association will strive to disseminate information relating to the material interests and welfare of all residents of Ryal Side.



Any person of good moral character, residing in or owning real estate in Ryal Side and having attained the age of eighteen shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall commence upon payment of dues to the Treasurer of the Association. The Executive Board holds the option of rejecting any membership with a two-thirds majority vote. In respect to new memberships and renewed memberships with over a two-month lapse, voting and officer rights commence after a 60 day moratorium from date of dues payment.  


For the purpose of promoting good will, assistance in various projects or participating in social activities any person of good moral character, eighteen or older and not a resident of Ryal Side may become an Associate Member. Associate members must abide by Article Three Section One regarding payment of dues and will have no voting rights.


Any member who shall act in any manner that is a detriment to the Articles and principles of the Association may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting. The defendant shall have the opportunity to a hearing before the Executive Board. A majority vote to expel, by the Executive Board, is required before the issue can be brought to the floor of the regular scheduled meeting of the membership.



Dues for annual membership shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per person or family. A provision for an increase, of no more than five dollars ($5.00), is allowed with a two-thirds majority of members at any regularly scheduled meeting, providing that the proposal has been advertised in the monthly Newsletter no later than seven days before the meeting. Further increases require a change to these by-laws (see Article 9 Section 1).


The membership years run from January 1st - December 31st. Dues for the upcoming year are due no later than January 1st. If the dues of any member remains unpaid On January 2nd, the member will be notified in writing and given thirty days to pay. Failure to pay within the thirty days will result in the termination of membership. 



The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. If approved by a majority of the members present at the November elections, the President and Vice-President positions can be replaced by two Co-chairpersons, who will share the duties of President on an equal basis.


Nominations for each office shall be accepted at the October monthly meeting. Elections for all officers shall be conducted at the November meeting. In the event of an anticipated vacant board position due to lack of nomination, nominations for the anticipated vacant seat will be accepted during the November meeting. All voting members must be present during the vote. The preferred method of election voting shall be secret ballot.  


New terms of office shall commence at midnight on November 15th of that given year. In the event of a change in Officers, the Treasurer shall file the appropriate state and federal forms to amend the Officers on file. In the event of a change in President or Treasurer, the current President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall make themselves available to allow the incoming President and/or Treasurer to be added to all financial and applicable accounts and remove the outgoing Officers.   


In the event of a vacant Officer seat, the Executive Board may appoint an interim. A special election shall be announced and published in the monthly newsletter. The special elections shall take place at the following meeting given that there had been at least a two week notice to the membership. Nominations to fill the vacant Officer seat will be accepted at the following meeting. In the event that a vacant Officer seat is unable to be filled, the President shall ensure that all duties of the vacant seat are completed.


The President or Co-chairpersons shall preside at all meetings and perform all duties of the office.


In case of the absence of the President, the Vice-President or other Co-chairperson shall preside over the meeting. In the absence of both, the following shall preside, in this order, Secretary, Treasurer.


The Secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all meetings of the Association and Executive Board meetings.


The Treasurer shall take charge of all funds received from any source, collect all dues and other money due the Association and notify members of arrearage.  The Treasurer shall make an oral report to the Association at each monthly meeting. A written report shall be made available, for review, by any member who requests as such. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies of the Association in such banks as may be approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall pay all bills presented by mail or in person by check. A receipt for each expense shall be required.


The Secretary, shall be responsible for all external communications of the Association except matters that may be assigned by the President, Vice-President or Co-chairpersons.  Monthly Newsletters shall be sent to all members which will include:

1) Notification of Meeting times and purpose.

2) Information regarding upcoming functions of the Association and it's Committees.

3) Other matters deemed to be of interest to the membership.


No member of the Association shall hold the Office of President, Co-Chairperson, Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary while holding any Public Elective Office. Such members will be allowed to fulfill the current year's commitment until such time as the annual election of Officers is held.


It is in high regard we hold those who have volunteered their time and efforts in maintaining the Association. In recognition of time served, all past Presidents will receive one Thanksgiving turkey of not less than 20lbs, with pop up timer, delivered to their residence on, or before, November 20th of each year in perpetuity.


Any Officer of the Association or member of a Committee may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular or special meeting. Notice of such action must be given to the individual at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled or special meeting. The individual will have the opportunity to request a meeting with the Executive Board prior to the regular meeting.



All Committees shall be appointed annually by the President or Co-Chairpersons and their term shall be concurrent with that of the Officers. It shall be the goal of the Civic Association and it's Officers to fill as many Committee openings as possible.


An Auditing Committee to consist of a Chairperson and two other members of the Association shall be appointed by the January meeting. The books and all financial records of the Treasurer of the Association shall be turned over to the Audit Committee by the first of March. The Auditing Committee Shall report its findings no later than the May meeting of the Association, providing they have had at least twenty one days to review the records.


The Executive Board shall consist of the President or Co-Chairpersons, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Chairperson of each committee. The Executive Board shall have charge of all personal property of the Association, approve all bills and have the charge of the general business and welfare of the Association. The President or Co-Chairpersons shall schedule Executive Board meetings as needed.


A Program Committee shall be appointed and consist of a Chairperson and two other members. They will provide social and instructive events, as approved by the Executive Board. The Program Committee will also provide methods of fundraising for such events and the Association as a whole.


There shall be a Public Relations Committee appointed and consisting of a Chairperson and two other members. The functions of the Committee includes the dissemination of information to the community regarding Association activities, purposes and accomplishments. This Committee will oversee and responsibly maintain all social media accounts. The Officers reserve the ability to edit any and all correspondence.


There shall be a Civic Action Committee appointed consisting of a Chairperson and two other members. Their duties will include the investigation of all matters of public concern. The Committee shall pursue duties assigned as defined in Article Eight, Section Three and recommend the nature of action to be taken by the Association to the Executive Board.


There shall be a Membership Committee consisting of a Chairperson and two other members. This committee shall maintain the membership database and work to increase the Association's membership.


There shall be a Building/Grounds Committee consisting of a Chairperson and two other members. This committee shall oversee the maintenance of the grounds and buildings owned by the Association.



No indebtedness shall be incurred unless approved by the Association at a regularly scheduled meeting of the whole, providing that the proposal has been detailed in the monthly Newsletter no later than ten days before the meeting. The Executive Board shall have the authority to expend an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) monthly for routine business. The Executive Board expenditure may exceed five hundred dollars ($500) during a specified month with a majority vote of the membership at a regular or special meeting. In the case of an emergency, the Officers are authorized to expend not more than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500). When emergency funding is utilized, a complete and thorough report by the Officers must be given at the next meeting and published, in detail, in the earliest available newsletter.


A yearly budget  composing of capital expenditures and anticipated event costs shall be proposed at the first meeting of the year. The budget shall be voted on by the membership as a whole at the following meeting. The preparation of the yearly budget shall be the responsibility of the President.


A separate "Maintenance" savings account will be formed and maintained for the purpose of long term maintenance and improvements to the properties owned by the Association. The primary funding for this account will be drawn from rental income. All rental income, minus $100 from each rental, will be deposited into said "Maintenance" account. In the event of a reoccurring rental in which a discount is given, it will be at the discretion of the board as to how much of that rental is deposited into the" Maintenance" account. The intention of this account is to pay for large items such as, but not limited to, the roof or heating system. All monies withdrawn from this account require a majority vote by the executive board.


A separate "Ryal Side 400th anniversary" savings account will be formed and maintained for the purpose of a 400th anniversary of Ryal Side celebration in the year 2029. The intention of this account is to have a minimum of $10,000 available by the summer of 2029. The yearly/monthly deposit amount is at the discretion of the board, but is recommended at a minimum of $1,000 per year.



Regular meetings shall be held on a monthly basis on a date determined by the Officers and announced at the previous meeting, except July and August. Officer elections shall be held during the November meeting. Special meetings may be called if requested by at least ten members in good standing. Notices of Special meetings must be delivered a minimum of seven days prior to the proposed date. Seven members in good standing constitute a quorum and must include a minimum of three officers.


At any meeting or special meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:

1) Reading of the minutes from the last meeting

2) Reading of communications

3) Financial report of the Association

4) Report from the Executive Board if necessary

5) Committee reports

6) Unfinished business

7) New business


Community issues brought up by any member of the Association that may require actions by Public Officials shall be referred to the Civic Action Committee before any action may be taken by the Association.


Robert's Rules Of Order shall govern procedure at all meetings not otherwise provided for in the by-laws.



Alterations to the bylaws may be made at any regularly scheduled meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, after having been proposed at a previous meeting. This is providing that notice of such change(s) has been posted and circulated for that meeting, not less than ten days prior to the scheduled meeting.



If the membership of the Association decide to dissolve the Association, the disposition of all properties and monies will be as follows:

1) Donate to a Ryal Side Community Organization, Association or charitable agency.

2) The use of such monies and property must be to provide for a worthy service to the members of the Ryal Side Community.

3) No financial gain is to be derived by any member of the Association or any one individual.



It shall be the responsibility of the President to ensure that the Association maintain proper insurance coverage to properly protect the assets of the Association, its members, renters, and those who participate in events hosted by the Association. Insurance, at a minimum, shall properly cover all properties and assets thereon, all events hosted by the Association, and the Officers.



It shall be the responsibility of the President to oversee the 501c (3) non-profit status and ensure it remains in good standing.  It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to prepare and properly file any and all tax forms and other required relevant information to maintain the Associations 501c (3) non-profit status in good standing. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to sign, where appropriate, all applicable forms provided by the Treasurer.